3.14 [Depex] Sections

These are optional sections


Defines the optional EDK II INF file [Depex] section content. The [Depex] section is a replacement for the dependency file specified by the driver writer. This section can be used for inheritance from libraries, by supporting logical AND'ing of the different Depex expressions together.

The Rules would be as follows:

  • EDK II INF - [Depex] section and inheritance from libraries is supported via AND'ing the different Depex expressions together

  • EDK II INF - The [Defines] section's keyword, DPX_SOURCE, would override Depex section and let module owner force a Depex independent of the [Depex] inheritance. Not recommended, but gives complete control to the driver writer.

  • Each [Depex] section tag listed in an INF file must be unique. If there are multiple [Depex] sections that have the same section tag, i.e., [Depex.IA32.DXE_DRIVER] and another [Depex.IA32.DXE_DRIVER] section in the same INF, the build must break.

If a DPX_SOURCE is specified in the [Defines] section, the [Depex] section is ignored, and the file specified in the DPX_SOURCE is used instead.

When processing the file, the INF file name specified in the <GuidStmt> and <DepInstruct> statement is replaced by the FILE_GUID value from the INF file, translated to a POSIX C structure as shown below:

INTERFACENAME = { /* 0F05DE03-8A1B-408C-8F84-B547F593E463 */
    {0x8F, 0x84, 0xB5, 0x47, 0xF5, 0x93, 0xE4, 0x63}

The term, "SOR" is ignored as part of the dependency processing. The DXE driver is to remain on the Schedule on Request (SOR) queue until the DXE Service Schedule() is called for this DXE. The dependency expression evaluator treats this operation like a No Operation (NOP).

There are three types of dependency sections (PEI, SMM and DXE) permitted by specifications. The SMM dependency section uses the same grammar as the DXE dependency section. The optional tags (identified as <DepexType> in the EBNF, below) must be used at the start of a depex listing. The depex expression for a given type is terminated by the start of a new optional section tag, the start of a new section or the end of file.

Drivers with MODULE_TYPE set to SEC, PEI_CORE, DXE_CORE, SMM_CORE, UEFI_DRIVER and UEFI_APPLICATION cannot have [Depex] sections. Libraries and modules that are USER_DEFINED may have a [Depex] section. All remaining drivers, PEIM, DXE_DRIVER, DXE_SAL_DRIVER, DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER and DXE_SMM_DRIVER module types must have a [Depex] section.

Libraries of type SEC, PEI_CORE, DXE_CORE, SMM_CORE and UEFI_APPLICATION are not allowed to have a [Depex]. The MODULE_TYPE entry in the [Defines] section for a library only defines the module type that the build system must assume for building the library. It does not define the types of modules that a library may be linked with. Instead, the LIBRARY_CLASS entry in the [Defines] section optionally lists the supported module types that the library may be linked against.

Libraries of type BASE are not permitted to have generic (i.e., [Depex]) and generic with only architectural modifier (i.e., [Depex.IA32]) entries. Library of type BASE are permitted to have a Depex section if one ModuleType modifier is specified (i.e., [Depex.common.PEIM).

When using the ModuleType as a section modifier (for example: [Depex.IA32.PEIM]), for drivers, the ModuleType must match the value of MODULE_TYPE entry in the [Defines] section. For Libraries, the ModuleType used in the section modifier must be a member of the Module Types listed after the LIBRARY_CLASS keyword in the [Defines] section. If no module types are listed after the LIBRARY_CLASS keyword in the [Defines] section, then the library is compatible with all module types, so all module types may be used as a section modifier.

The "common" architecture modifier in a section tag must not be combined with other architecture type; doing so will result in a build break.

If the MODULE_TYPE is UserDefined, the build tools must exit gracefully and provide the user with an error message stating that the [Depex] section header does not provide enough information to determine the type of the Depex section.

If the module is not a library (no LIBRARY_CLASS in the [Defines] section) and the MODULE_TYPE is SEC, SMM_CORE, DXE_CORE, PEI_CORE, UEFI_DRIVER, UEFI_APPLICATION or HOST_APPLICATION a Depex section is not permitted. If one is found, the build tools must exit gracefully and provide the user with an error message stating the [Depex] section is not valid for the MODULE_TYPE

If the module is a library (with a LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section) and there is no module type defined in Depex section's modifier and there is a MTL defined (with a ModuleTypeList statement following by the LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section) and each module type in MTL is PEIM,

DXE_DRIVER, DXE_SAL_DRIVER, DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER, DXE_SMM_DRIVER or UEFI_DRIVER the build tools must create a related Depex section for each module type in XML.

If the module is a library and the MODULE_TYPE is not BASE (with a LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section) and it has no MTL defined (without a ModuleTypeList statement following by the LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section) a Depex section is not permitted. If one is found, the build tools must exit gracefully and provide the user with an error message stating the [Depex] section is not valid for the module.

If the module is a library (with a LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section) and the MODULE_TYPE is UEFI_DRIVER, the [Depex] section must map to a DxeDepex section in the XML.

For a binary INF file, the [Depex] section will contain the full dependency expression, including the dependencies from the linked libraries in a comment.

Note: A UEFIDRIVER which is not included in an FD image (such as a driver that will be loaded from the shell or stored in a PCI option ROM) will not have an FFS DEPEX section generated by the tools.

Note: Capitalization in the Prototypes listed below does not match the capitalization used in the PI Specification.

Note: The PCD item used in this section must be defined as FixedAtBuild type and VOID* datum type, and the size of the PCD must be 16 bytes.


<Depex>              ::= "[Depex" [<com_attribs>] "]" <EOL>
                         {<DepexSection>*} {<AsBuiltDepex>}
<com_attribs>        ::= {".common"} {<attribs>}
<attribs>            ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "Depex" <attrs>]*
<attrs>              ::= "." <arch> [<Module>]
<Module>             ::= "." <DepexModuleType>
<DepexModuleType>    ::= {"PEIM"} {"DXE_DRIVER"} {"DXE_SMM_DRIVER"}
                         {"DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER"} {"DXE_SAL_DRIVER"}
                         {"UEFI_DRIVER"} {"USER_DEFINED"}
<DepexSection>       ::= {<PeiDepex>} {<SmmDepex>} {<DxeDepex>}
<DxeDepex>           ::= <DxeDepexStatements>+ ["END" <EOL>]
<DxeDepexStatements> ::= {<SorStmt>} {<GuidOrPcdStmt>} {<BoolStmt>}
<PeiDepex>           ::= <PeiDepexStatements>*
                         ["END" <EOL>]
<PeiDepexStatements> ::= {<BoolStmt>} {<DepInstruct>}
<SmmDepex>           ::= <DxeDepex>
<GuidOrPcdStmt>      ::= [{"BEFORE"} {"AFTER"}] <GuidOrPcdName> [<EOL>]
<GuidOrPcdName>      ::= {<GuidCName>} {<PcdName>}
<DepInstruct>        ::= "PUSH" <CFormatGUID> [<EOL>]
<SorStmt>            ::= "SOR" <BoolStmt> [<EOL>]
<BoolStmt>           ::= {<Bool>} {<BoolExpress>}
<Bool>               ::= {"TRUE"} {"FALSE"} {<GuidCName>} {<PcdName>} [<EOL>]
<GuidCName>          ::= <CName> # A Guid C Name
<NTs>                ::= "NOT" <TS>
<BoolExpress>        ::= <NTs> <Bool> [<BoolExpressCont>]*
<BoolExpressCont>    ::= <MTS> {"AND"} {"OR"} <MTS> [<NTs>] <Bool>
<AsBuiltDepex>       ::= "#" {<FullDxe>} {<FullPei>} {<FullSmm>} <EOL>
<FullDxe>            ::= <DxeStatements>+
                         [<TS> "END"]
<DxeStatements>      ::= {<SorAbStmt>} {<GuidOrPcdAbStmt>} {<BoolAbStmt>}
<FullPei>            ::= <PeiStatements>*
                         [<TS> "END"]
<PeiStatements>      ::= {<BoolAbStmt>} {<DepAbInstruct>}
<FullSmm>            ::= <FullDxe>
<GuidOrPcdAbStmt>    ::= {"BEFORE"} {"AFTER"} <TS> <GuidOrPcdName> <TS>
<DepAbInstruct>      ::= "PUSH" <TS> <CFormatGUID> <TS>
<SorAbStmt>          ::= "SOR" <TS> <BoolAbStmt> <TS>
<BoolAbStmt>         ::= {<BoolAb>} {<BoolAbExpress>}
<BoolAb>             ::= {"TRUE"} {"FALSE"} {<GuidCName>} {<PcdName>} <TS>
<GuidCName>          ::= <CName> # A Guid C Name
<BoolAbExpress>      ::= <NTs> <Bool> [<BoolAbExpressCont>]*
<BoolAbExpressCont>  ::= <MTS> {"AND"} {"OR"} <MTS> [<NTs>] <Bool>


  AND gEfiAlternateFvBlockGuid
  AND gEfiFaultTolerantWriteLiteProtocolGuid


  SOR gEfiProtocolIDependOnGuid


  TRUE AND gEfiAlternateFvBlockGuid